For Parents

Dr. Fish answers common questions

At College Music Major, we understand the feelings, questions, and worries parents of future college musicians often have.

Going to college is a huge step in your child's life, and you naturally want to help them find an excellent program at a top school.

The music school admissions process can be complicated and stressful. That’s where College Music Major comes in.




As the parent of a college-bound musician, you have genuine concerns:

  • Is my child skilled enough to major in music?
  • Is a music major the right choice?
  • Which schools are the best fit?
  • What am I missing about the application and audition process?

And that's just the shortlist! As one parent put it, "It feels like my child's entire future is on the line."

The role of College Music Maj is to alleviate your worries with my deep understanding of music schools and their application/audition process.

When should we start?

Most families seek assistance with the complex music school admissions process when their child is a junior in high school.

This timing works well. It gives us the chance to consider options without rushing. The student also has time to boost their chances of getting into a top school through online courses, tutoring, and extracurricular activities.

Some families wait until their child is a senior, which puts us at a disadvantage in helping you effectively. It's still possible, but it demands a concentrated effort to move quickly and decisively.


Sometimes, we start working with a student who is still in their early years of high school, which is fantastic. We have more time to explore the world of music in higher education, and we can offer advice on activities that will help them develop into the kind of musicians that top schools are looking for.

Working With the Whole Family

If you have another child who's already gone off to college, you know it marks the beginning of their independence. One of my roles as a college professor was to help students navigate this transition. Some high school musicians are already adept at managing many aspects of their lives on their own, including working with an educational consultant. Others are still in a transitional phase and need more parental support. It's up to your family to decide how involved you, as a parent, will be in your child's interactions with us. At the very least, we hope you'll be present for the important moments, and we'll make sure to keep you informed about everything.

Alien from Planet Music


A family once told me, "There's an alien from Planet Music living in our house. He came a few years ago and took over our son's body. He used to be a normal kid. Now, he's obsessed with music."

Part of the job of the College Music Major tean is to help parents understand their child’s intense passion for music and ensure it doesn’t overshadow other important areas of life.

(Musical obsession and ADHD often go hand-in-hand. As a music educator, I've spent my career working with young musicians who have this condition, and I manage it myself. If you think the musician in your family might have ADHD, please read my blog post on the subject.)

Flexibility & Commitment

Many high school musicians are involved in a dizzying range of activities—both musical and non-musical, including sports, theater, and church groups. Their senior year can be the most hectic. They often take on lead roles in productions, hold student leadership positions, and more.

This presents one of the biggest challenges for independent educational consultants. We strive to be as flexible as possible when working with you. In return, we ask that you commit as fully as possible to our work together.

Got a Question?

This page highlights onlt a few challenges and questions that parents of college-bound musicians encounter. Please share any others you have.

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